Monday, October 15, 2012

Evolution of a Hunter

Evolution of a Hunter
I think this cartoon is completely correct. I also think that every hunter goes through the different stages at some point during their hunting life.

My husband is in the Sportsman Stage. He is teaching me to hunt and he is also getting our 3 year old out in the woods to walk with him during small game season.  As for me, I am Limiting Out Stage, sorta. I have already filled my doe tag and would love to shoot a buck before the season is over. I would for my husband to also get a doe and a buck. It would be great to just eat deer meat all the time. However, I do have to say I love a good  medium rare steak or prim rib every once in a while.

What stage are you in?

1 comment:

  1. I believe i am in the limiting out stage...even though i still don't have a kill...
