Saturday, June 1, 2013

Bear, Oh my...

A few weeks ago we had a night time visitor...

Now this picture was not taken by us. This was taken up the hill from us. He seams to be visiting other houses in the neighborhood.

Now let me tell you how we found our visitor.

It was around 10/10:30 pm and I had just fallen asleep. Hubby was still up watching tv. He heard some noise outside. There was a bag of garbage on our porch that I had taken out earlier in the evening. (I know, I know I should not have left it there.) He immediately thought it was a cat or a raccoon. He was going to get the .22 to go out and shoot it. As he got up, he happened to glance out the window and saw an unexpected visitor, a black bear.

Next I was being shaken awake...."Babe wake up there is a bear on the front porch!!!"

By the time I got to the window, the bear was just off the porch in the lawn. I was in shock. I had never been that close to a bear. I was speechless. I am not sure I want to be that close again without a gun in my hand.
 (I know I had a window between us, but I was still a bit scared.) Hubby tried to get some pictures, but there was a glare in the window from the light on in the house. :(

In the morning we were outside looking around to see if our visitor left any trace of being there.
 This is what we found.

Those are 5 AA batteries. Wow!

I'm sure glad that hubby didn't just get  the gun and head outside.

Have you had any visitors lately?

1 comment:

  1. That is a big ole bear right there. I would like him at the end of my A-5
