Hi! I'm Cristy, a wife, mom, daughter, sister and a huntress. I have always enjoyed being outdoors, but the past few years have changed my perspective.
A few years ago, my husband asked if I wanted to take up trap shooting as an activity that we could do together and as a family. I told him no...I would like to try shooting a bow. (I liked shooting bows in gym class. I am not opposed to shooting trap or skeet, I actually like them too.) So I went from just planning to target shooting with my bow to wanting to hunt.
Why did you start this blog?
I wanted a place to write about my adventures and my growth as a huntress. I did not want to just write in a journal. And now I am trying to build my followers to nurture a community of huntress'. Have meaningful discussions and learn from others.
When did you start hunting?
My first hunting experience was spring gobbler 2012.
What do you hunt?
So far I have been turkey hunting (without success); deer hunting (harvested a doe); and small game hunting (without success). My girlfriends and I are talking about going on a all girls boar hunt. My dream hunt would be a moose hunt.
Do you hunt with a bow or a gun?
Both. I prefer bow hunting. I am nurturing my gun hunting and believe that I will someday have a great deal of fun with my gun in the field.
Where can you find Little Pink in a Camo World?
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Alittlepinkinacamoworld
So these are my adventures of a working mom and wife learning to shoot a bow, guns and hunt with her family!
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