Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Gun Safety

In today's world gun safety is a very hot topic. Yes, gun safety has always been an important topic, but with the gun-related incidences occurring lately, concerns are at an all time high. With this heightened awareness gun owners have found their selves fighting to preserve our second amendment rights. We want to keep the traditions of hunting and shooting alive for future generations, and the big issue of being able to protect ourselves.

As a child, I grew up knowing that my father hunted and that there were guns in our house. I respected my father's guns. I knew they were not to be played with and it never crossed my mind to look for them or play with them. Back then guns were not portrayed as evil, like they are today. There were not all the school shootings. Guns do not kill people. People kill people.

I want my son to grow up with the same respect for guns that my husband I have. For G's first Christmas he got  a Rossi .410/.22 combo.

So from that point on we have taught him that he does not touch a gun unless he asks first and an adult is with him. We remind him every time we have the guns out. Just because we are teaching him to respect guns and not to touch them, doesn't mean we can now be lax on watching him. Gun safety is a continual education for children. As parents we always need to be aware of  what our children are doing when guns are around.

In this fight to protect our gun rights, we need to strengthen our gun safety efforts. Education is the key. The hunter safety courses are a great start. I think it would be a good thing if there was a gun safety course for younger children. It can' t hurt for children to hear the gun safety from another person even though their parents are teaching them also.

Since we have guns in our home we also don't tempt our child with the guns. We keep most guns out of reach and the few guns that are in the gun cabinet are off limits and G knows that. Ammunition is locked up so he can not get into them.

If you are unsure how to start teaching your child gun safety, check out the NRA's materials for children. They have workbooks and a DVD. The NRA is a great resource for any gun related questions you have.

So please make sure you talk about gun safety with your children every time they are around guns. You could help save a life someday.

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