Thursday, July 11, 2013

Baiting Hooks

Over the holiday weekend, I overcame a baiting hook fear.

Throughout my life, I always baited my hook with either a worm or a minnow. It never bothered me to bait the hook. And once I was old enough to learn how to take the fish of the hook, I did that too.

When I started fishing with my husband, I developed a baiting hook fear.  Why? Because he uses grubs as bait. I have a fear of them. Just knowing what they really are freaks me out. So I have made hubby bait my hook for the past several years. (Granted I haven't fished much since our son was born.)

Since I had always baited my hook myself, this really bothered me to be dependent on hubby to bait my hook. Several times this year I would get the grub can to bait my hook myself, but then once I opened it ... I just couldn’t do it.

Until yesterday…

We were fishing for bluegill. We were hitting a lot of little fish, throw backs. They kept cleaning our hooks. After several times of needing my hook baited and waiting for my hubby to bait the hook, I was getting frustrated.  So finally, I flicked a few grubs out of the can with my hook and then put them on my hook. (There were a few faces and “yucks” involved.)
 After baiting my hook several more times like this, I finally just picked the grubs up out of the can and baited my hook. YIPPEEE!!!!

When we go out fishing again…I will bait my own hook! But as I sit here typing, I’m still a bit freaked out by the thought of the grubs crawling around in the can. But I have done it now, so I know I can do it again! 

YES, I overcame a fear!

Do you have any fears of baiting hooks? Hubby better not ask me to bait a hook with a leach. That will NEVER happen! Lol

1 comment:

  1. Well Little brother is gonna have call bullshit on that no fear of baiting hooks. The truth as always from me. For the a long time at ages say 7-20 i think was last baiting hook fishing trip i took with my big sis. I did a lot of minnow baiting, and worms a few leechs, but for the most part we were a big fish artifical family. But after few and i wanted to cast and fishing got fast furious for toothies or bass i left her to her own devices. But if things were slow, i unhooked and baited a lot that i never got the fun of fighting fish. Not that i am mad, i just wanted to clear that up. Touch a fog there!
