Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hunting in NY

Our trip to Western New York is almost over. We have enjoyed spending time with my family. And they have enjoyed having us, especially seeing their grandson.
Hubby has been able to go hunting every day since we arrived. I did not go out until yesterday. I wanted to spend some time with my mother while we were here. So, before we arrived I had decided that I would only hunt 1 or 2 days. Maybe I will go out again for a few hours tomorrow before we head back home.
Yesterday's hunting started out really cold and slow. My brother and I were sitting in his blind. We didn't see anything in the early morning. The woods and fields were really quiet. Hubby saw a few doe and a buck from his stand. So he and my brother formulated a plan for a drive. After my brother finished the drive, we decided to go in for a bit so he could rest and we could get warmed up.
After getting warm and my dad getting back, we decided to go to the north end of the property. My brother and dad would put on another drive for hubby and I, hoping they would push some deer to us.  It worked, I saw 2 doe and 2 buck. I drew up on one buck, but he didn't stop where I could get a shot on him. The other buck was too far away. But I was happy that I finally saw some deer. With one last drive before we called it a day, we kicked out a small buck and a doe. No one got a deer.

Since this is my first gun hunting season experience, I am learning that it is very different from bow hunting. I knew that the guys did some drives while gun hunting, but did not realize how much walking there actually was. I was a wimp. My legs were wore out. My hips were burning. I think it was the fact that I was wearing my Muck boots, multiple layers of clothing, mud caked on my boots and stepping over the cut field corn. All things I am not used to doing on a daily basis. (I work in an office where I where high heels or dress shoes everyday.) This walking worked muscles that I'm not sure I knew I had or obviously didn't use often.

Next week I will find out what PA rifle hunting will be like. I wonder if I will be just as much as of a wimp? The one thing I do know is that I will not be such a wimp next year. I am getting my butt back in the gym, to lose some weight and gain some more muscle. I will also get out and walk more in my Muck boots to help build the muscles that were hurting yesterday.

Stay tuned for my PA hunting stories.

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