Today I would like to introduce you to Huntress Amy Walker. She true country girl and outdoor women. She loves all animals but still hunts. Without further ado....Let's get to Amy's interview....
1. What was your first hunting experience?
I had been raised up around hunting and would accompany my Uncle and/or Dad out on hunting trips; however, I never had a desire to actually carry or shoot a weapon. Being around my Uncle's game bird farm is what really sparked my interest in hunting. I realized that hunting (especially pheasant) was a challenge and naturally I am a competitive young lady. I wanted to try pheasant hunting for my first experience because the birds are quick and I had never shot at a moving target. The hunt was a little frustrating at times; however, in the end I did pretty good for my first time and had gained and interest!
2. Who got you into hunting?
I deer hunt with my Uncle and my Dad. My brother-in-law takes me turkey hunting.
3. What is your most memorable experience?

During high school and college, I was dedicated to basketball and never had the free time to venture into the woods to hunt. After, I graduated college I decided to pursue deer hunting. Fall of 2012 would be my first experience deer hunting where I was the huntress instead of just tagging along with my Uncle and Dad. First day of the season I was up bright and early with my dad. Driving my truck out to our hunting spot was an experience all its own because my heart jumped every time a deer darted through the neighboring fields. I had that mixture of nervousness and excitement jumbling around inside me. We situated ourselves into out tree stand and by 10 a.m. the first deer came creeping through which would be my buck. Of coarse the buck ventured into the thicker part of the branches, I took the best shot that I could and unfortunately he took off. After about 20 minutes, my Dad went down to see if he could find a blood trail. There was a small trail then it just ended, my heart dropped because I though that the deer was long gone and it honestly broke my heart that I made that buck suffer. Shortly after my Dad returned to the stand my Uncle called, letting us know he found my buck across the field! Walking up to the buck, I was caught with a surprise. What I thought was going to be a small buck turned out to be the good sized 10 point that everyone had been looking for in the neighboring area! After gutting out the deer and dragging it back to the farm, Grandma came out of the house with a smile and said "you guys better watch because she might just show you up!" Killing my first buck was a thrill but the real joy was gaining the experience and beginning to learn how to be a successful huntress.
4. What are your hobbies, besides hunting?
I enjoy exercising, helping out on my Uncle's farm, skeet shooting, four wheeling, fishing and studying wildlife.
5. What are the obstacles you face when hunting?
I am still sharpening my shooting skills and need to learn how to "creep" through the woods.
6. What are your favorite hunting sites/shows?
I don't watch a whole lot of TV; however, anything on the Outdoor Channel.
7. Who inspires you to stay involved in hunting?
My Uncle takes me skeet shooting and my dad takes any opportunity to show me the "way of the woods." My brother-in-law does not hesitate to involve me when he goes out also.
8. How do you stay informed on hunting issues?
I read the Pennsylvania Game News. My Uncle keeps me informed because he runs a game bird farm/hunting club.