Monday, July 15, 2013

My "Dream" Fishing Trip

After having my dream about a moose hunt and reading A Reel Lady's blog about her recent fishing trip, I have started thinking about what "dream" fishing trips I'd like to go on. 

What fish species would I like to catch? And where would I like to go? Oh the fishing memories we would have. I have always fished small lakes and rivers. I don't think I have caught anything bigger than 5lbs.

I guess my first trip would be close to home. I want to catch a big walleye out of Lake Erie. I have caught walleye before out of smaller lakes and creeks. But I wanna hook into a 15 pounder. I can't even begin to imagine what that would feel like on the end of my pole. Hubby has gone fishing in Lake Erie and caught a few big walleye. So now it is my turn and I will even let him come along. :)

My big fishing trip would have to be saltwater fishing.  I'm not sure what exactly I would like to catch, just something big! In A Reel Lady's blog, she talks about having Tarpon Fever. She says watching tarpon jump out of the water, really gets her heart pumping. That sounds interesting! Or maybe it would be fun to catch a marlin or shark. I think hooking into something that is going to jump out of the water would be amazing. 

My uncle does a lot of fly fishing around the world. He has seen some beautiful places and has  caught some amazing trout. So maybe someday, I will get to have my uncle take myself and my family fishing with him. However, eating trout is not one of my favorites.  That's ok...I can practice catch and release!

What's your "dream" fishing trip?


  1. Yeah you have caught bigger 27 1/2 inch walleye at Tono creek that's about 6 and a half hun. Remember it was fall yellow tiwster pearl jighead. Not the jugernaut your brother is but you did good for a girl, Lol sorry ladies. And you did good for the amount of time you put in.

  2. What's my dream fishing trip i got lot's. But I think we know what i am gonna say Mejico Mane! El Salto, Bacarack, lake Guerro, really anywhere in mexico, i can fish the green bass for the green cash. I would tourney fish there though my efforts would be SLOBBIN. Throwing big baits swimbaits, edwin evers Carrerriner rig. I love how he used to say that. Um some big chigger craws. I would toss some muskie stuff for shiznits and giggles. And Of course do some froggin. Gotta do some forggin. I am pretty simple chap green bass all i really ever cared about.
