Thursday, April 25, 2013

My Biggest Challenge

You all know that 2012 was my first hunting season. And that I was hooked from the first morning I spent in the woods waiting for the sun to rise and hearing the turkeys gobbling. I thrive to be a better hunter. I work at shooting my bow and my guns (I shoot my bow the most). I read magazines, blogs, and books to help me learn and grow. However, there is one big challenge for me every time I  go into the woods. It didn't surprise me when I realized I was doing it.

The biggest challenge I'm talking about sitting still while I am in the woods. I have always been a bit of a fidgety person. When I am in meetings I cross my legs, uncross them, cross my legs the other way, and uncross them again. I am less fidgety when sitting in my treestand, but I still struggle. I get into my fanny pack to get my chapstick and then I put it back. I switch the way I am holding my bow or gun. When it got colder, I was adjusting my neck gaiter often, because my hair would get in the way when I turned to scan the field behind me.

Usually the first hour is easy, I get lost in my quiet and beautiful surroundings. Then I realize that I will need to sit still for a few more hours. But I am happy to be out in my treestand and can't wait to see what mother nature lets me see.

During archery season, we mainly hunted in the evenings. So after getting situated in my tree stand, I would play on my phone to pass the time. I would post a status update on Facebook or text with friends to see if they were out in the woods or just play a game. As it got closer to "go time" I would put my phone away. But I still had trouble with actually sitting still. I did get a deer this fall so I guess my fidgeting wasn't that bad.

What has a girl go to do to stop fidgeting all the time?
Do you fidget while you are hunting?
What is your biggest challenge?

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