Now that Autumn has arrived so have 2 other seasons... Hockey and Hunting.
This Saturday is the opening day of archery season in our area. I have been looking forward to this day for a bit now. I am not as ready as I would like to be, but nonetheless I am ready.
Tonight we are shooting our bows in the yard. Tomorrow we are going to to a 3D course for a little more practice. (Date night) Then we will be headed to the woods on Saturday. Still looking for a babysitter for G.
I am ready for the quiet, peace and calmness of sitting in my treestand.
Another season that has gotten a bit more exciting is hockey. Our son has started learn to play hockey session.
He and a couple of his buddies are playing too.
My son is the little one.
Right now he is just doing the learn to play program. He has only been on skates 2 other times. Each time he used the little walker to keep him up. In November he starts actually the youth hockey league. So we will carting him back and forth, 2 days a week (Tuesday & Saturday). Right now we are gonna still have our Saturdays to archery hunt, but those 2 Saturdays during rifle season, we will have to see if we can get someone else to take him to practice. Next year, I guess Mommy and Daddy may have to alternate Saturdays (plenty of time to figure that out).
We are really excited about G playing hockey. We know it is a really expensive sport, but if he loves it then it will be worth it (and the only sport he will do).
I'll post more about our little guy's progress with skating.