Sorry for the lapse in posts.... Life just got away from me last year.
So here is a bit of a recap for you.
Archery season was a bust for me. Twice while I was hunting, non-archery folks decided that it would also be a good day to target practice with guns. And of course scared off all the deer. I saw a bunch, but nothing that I was willing to take a shot at.
Rifle season was a success. I got a doe on opening morning. It was a clean shot. She dropped about 60 yards from where I shot her. It was a cold rifle season with a good amount of snow.
The bucks eluded me. The only buck I saw all season was the one my husband shot during archery.
For my birthday I got a new Hoyt Charger, Vixcen package. I shot the video hunt league this winter with the new bow.
May, was good to my son. For his birthday he got a 4 wheeler. (Did I mention he is only 5.)
And the Easter Bunny was good to G-man too. He got a new puppy.
Meet Ginger our Basset Hound.
4 weeks old |
Our boat dog! |
My husband and I were working to much and didn't even get a chance to spring turkey hunt. :(
I am still knitting. I have been working on a 12 block afghan and a baby blanket for a friend who is having a baby next month. So I have to finish that baby blanket soon!
With life so hectic this year, I have not even been able to go to any 3D archery shoots. After video hunt league ended, my new bow has just been snugly wrapped up in the case. But it is time to get out and get practicing for archery season.
We also have a couple new adventures starting. G-man starts kindergarten in a couple weeks. (Mommy is tearing up just writing about it.) And he will start a learn to ice skate program at the end of September and his hockey season will start in November! We are really excited about G-man playing hockey.
He is ready for hockey to start now. Tonight we are making a countdown to hockey!
Again, sorry for my absence. I plan to get back to writing on a regular basis. This blog will probably evolve some. Posting more about my knitting endeavors, my son playing hockey, and of course I will continue to post about hunting and fishing.