Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mother's Day...

Several years ago if someone asked me if I wanted to have children I would say "I'm not sure." Then I met my wonderful husband and he wanted children. As our relationship and love grew, I realized I wanted to have children with him.  Well That dream came true on May 31, 2009, when I gave birth to our son.

Becoming an mom was the greatest experience of my life. Yes, I'm tired, don't get to go to the bathroom by myself, or get much time at all to myself anymore. Every sacrifice I have made is all worth it when I hear "Mommy" or have those little arms are wrapped around my neck for a big bear hug.

This year's weather was not very cooperative for any of the outdoor family activities we enjoy. So I took the opportunity to catch up on some sleep by taking a nap while my son did; after we went to purchase the rest of the sprouts for our garden,  flowers for my flower bed and a great family lunch with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law's family. 

As I look forward to future Mother's Days and the adventures we will embark on, I smile. I want make sure that we get outside and enjoy our family time. Teach G to embrace, respect and relish the beauty the outdoors. Things I would like to do on future Mother's Days are: 3D archery shoots; hikes; canoeing; fishing; and enjoying the scenery.

Lastly, I would like to thank my Mom for all the sacrifices she made for me and teaching me how to be a good wife.  I truly appreciate and understand why you did it. And thank you for being an amazing Grandma. 

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